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When COVID-19 first began to cast its shadow across Australia, we were dealing with one of the most unpredictable times of OzLocal’s 20-year history. We knew we wanted to protect our staff’s jobs and that radical times called for radical innovation – in our case, moving into the hand sanitation space.
Sanitation Station was borne from an urgent need for ingenuity. As a 100% touch-free hand sanitiser station, our units quickly responded to the nation’s need for hand sanitation. Not only that, our designs are smart, stylish, durable and simple. In short, they are a high quality, distinctive and easy-to use product that consumers can adopt on mass, not to mention they can be custom branded!
That was in 2020. Since then, Sanitation Station has enjoyed beyond-stunning success. With thousands and thousands of units across the country, we’re delighted to count among our clients small businesses and a raft of high-profile businesses across all sectors.
These include: Woolworths, Aldi, NAB Banks, Dan Murphy’s, Big W, IGA, Aldi, R.M Williams, Dexus JLL, Brookfield, IKEA, Perth, Gold Coast airports, railway stations and the list goes on.
In 2022, we took another giant leap by expanding our manufacturing base into the global market – starting in the US. Although we’ve been exporting our primed-to-go Stations internationally for awhile now (in locations such as New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Canada, the UK and Switzerland), this is the first time we’ve started working with local manufacturers in an overseas location, starting with customers in Orange County, California.
Going global is testament to the fact that Sanitation Station has become a tried-and-tested premium brand in a world where only the highest health and hygiene standards will do. Sanitation Station is equipped with the proven protection of the world’s most effective germ-killing hand Sanitiser sourced from numerous suppliers across the country which includes 70% absolute ethanol.
Campaign Brief:
Gangster makes hand sanitation criminally cool in Sanitation Stations’ new campaign via Ozlocal
ClientSanitation StationYear2020Website URLsanitationstation.com.au